Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Film brief: BEGIN AGAIN

Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightley (The Weinstein Company)
            It’s surprising just how effectively John Carney reels you into Begin Again, even as he delicately dollops clichés atop the broad archetypes and familiar plotlines he’s sketched out. Mark Ruffalo and Keira Knightley, in turns simultaneously enjoyable and expected, star as down-on-their-luck outsiders in the music industry that come together in an effort to reignite their passion and sense of artistic purpose. Carney’s film succeeds by giving New York an expansive yet intimate feel as Ruffalo and Knightley tour the city, and by boasting some irresistibly exhilarating original music. Begin Again is never great – it doesn’t make the necessary artistic leap that top-tier movie musicals do – but it’s good throughout, and is always, endlessly watchable. B